
Xypex Patch’n Plug

Product description patcn_plug-p

Xypex Patch & Plug is fast-setting, non-shrink, high-bond-strengh hydraulic cement compound for concrete patching and repair.
Patch & Plug stops flowing water in seconds and is used to seal cracks, tie-holes and other defects in concrete. Does not comprise calcium chloride.


  • stopping of active water flowing through cracks
  • repair of concrete substrates before the application of XYPEX coatings


  • single component (simply add water)
  • fast-setting: 2 to 3 minutes at 21 °C
  • excellent structural strength
  • as durable as tne masonry and concrete itself
  • non-metallic (won’t rust or deteriorate)
  • non-toxic

Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet  Xypex_Patchn_Plug.pdf
and from our sales representatives.
