ASFOTEX cold patch asphalt mix marketed in bags is affordable and enables permanent repair of potholes. Installation is simple and anyone can do it.

ASFOTEX is high quality cold patch asphalt mix, which enables quick patching of potholes in asphalt covering irrespective of weather conditions. Suitable for repairing concrete or asphalt covering of driveways, parking lots, pavements, roads and ramp, etc. Provides a good solution if two different coverings have to be joined, e.g. near street wells, or as a strip between the old asphalt covering and the installed concrete pavement stones, etc.

ASFOTEX is a durable filler mix for permanent installation – there is no need for the double installation of the traditional, temporary and weather-dependant milled asphalt or

emulsion-based cold asphalt and final hot-installed asphalt. Installation of Asfotex is simple and quick, no big expenses on labour or machinery are required.

After installation the road can immediately be opened for traffic. Post-settlement takes about one week. The mix may be used at temperatures below zero and remains flexible and coherent even at – 26 °C. It retains its adhesive quality also in wet conditions.

The cold-installed mix sold in 20 kg bags is easy to use in winter, when asphalt factories are closed, and in the summer season. As a rule one 20 kg bag is used to patch a hole, which area is 0.33 m2 and depth 5cm. If the hole is deeper, e.g. 15 cm, the mix is installed in 5 cm layers, which are tightened correspondingly.

1. Before repair. 2. Remove debris, ice or water from the hole to improve tacking. 3. Pour the mix into the cleaned hole straight from the bag. 4. Level out the surface with a spade or a rake, so that the level of the mix remains a little bit above the road surface. 5. Tighten the levelled mix with a plate-vibrator or by driving a car over it. 6. After repair.

Asfotex product sheet.pdf
Asfotex safety data sheet.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

Which equipment is necessary for the installation of Asfotex?
No special equipment is required for the installation of Asfotex. You need a hard brush, a broom or a spade; a metal rake is recommended; ideally tightened surface is accomplished if you use a plate-vibrator.

May Asfotex be installed at temperatures below zero?
Asfotex is cold-installed asphalt mix based on solvent and diesel fuel and contains no water. Therefore, the mix may be used at temperatures below zero.

If you have bought a bag of Asfotex but do not use it at once or some bag just remains unused – how long can the material be stored?
In a closed bag for 2 years. If you have opened the bag, close it tightly with a tape, so that the solvent and diesel fuel cannot evaporate.

How to prepare the hole in asphalt for the installation of Asfotex?
First, clean the hole with a hard brush or a broom from loose debris to achieve better tacking with the surface. No prior impregnation is required.

May Asfotex be installed on a wet surface?
Yes, it may – this is the biggest advantage of the cold-installed asphalt mix.

How to clean tools?
All tools must be cleaned right after usage with a solvent-based cleanser.

When can you drive over the patched hole?
Traffic may be opened right away.

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Espak, Viadukti St. 42, Tel. +372 6512 333
K-Rauta Tondi, Tammsaare St. +372 49, Tel. 630 9709
K-Rauta Haabersti, Paldiski Rd 108a, Tel. +372 674 7900
Puumarket, Väike Männiku 11, Tel. +372 655 9232
Puumarket, Forelli 10, Tel. +372 656 3069
Decora, Laki 36, Tel. +372 733 1350

Turu 24/Rebase 16, Tel. +372 747 1856
K-Rauta, Riia Rd.140E, Tel. +372 739 0800
Decora, Riia Rd 128, Tel. +372 733 1350

K-Rauta, Papiniidu 2A, Tel. +372 447 0850
Decora, Lai tn 18, Tel. +372 4471420

K-Rauta, Haljala St. 4, Tel. +372 326 4400
Puumarket, Rägavere tee 44, Tel. +372 3244366

K-Rauta, Tartu Rd. 84, Tel +372 766 4900

K-Rauta, Kreutzwaldi 89, Tel. +372 786 8900

Decora, Leola 53, Tel. +372 434 2040

Espak, Tallinna Rd. 3b, Tel. +372 4894 590

Stellana, Paide Rd.77, Tel. +372 5627 0804

K-Rauta Tallinna Rd. 88, Auriga center, Tel. +372 630 9700
