Hydroinsulation mortar XYPEX ADMIX C 1000 with mixes
Product features
A single component dry mortar, that contains waterproof increasing mix XYPEX ADMIX C 1000.
- Applicable manually or dry spraying.
- Low flow when dry sprayed.
- Good bond to substrate.
- Permanently water resistant.
- Non-shrinkable.
- High mechanical properties.
- Frost resistant.
- XYPEX cristal structure permanently seals concrete microporous system.
- High chemicals resistance.
- Protects concrete against oil products.
WATERFIX XP is a single component swellable dry mix, intended for creation of waterproofing coating on the concrete surface. Suitable for repairs of the leaking through concrete and reinforced concrete structures. It forms a sealing layer on the substrate, protecting against water, oils, organic solvents, oil products, etc. depending on the conditions, effecting the surface, an additional coating can be applied to the WATERFIX XP surface.
Dry mix is supplied, containing a one type grain ingredients: plasticised mixture WATERFIX XP is intended for application on horisontal surfaces, while hard mortar WATERFIX XP TH is applied to vertical surfaces or ceilings.
Find more about product on the Estonian data sheet Betosan_Waterfix_XP TH.pdf and from our sales representatives.