Epasit GmbH was founded in Germany in the year of 1957. The enterprise has initially become famous in the sphere of the old damp structures and salinized masonries rehabilitation. Epasit rehabilitation plaster mortar “Sanier-System 2000” was one of the first to receive the new WTA-Certificate 2-9-04. Rehabilitation plaster epasit lpf, featuring high porosity and great water steam through-put, successully passed the long-term permanent tests.
Apart from the above-mentioned products, Epasit GmbH manufactures various mineral and bitumene based waterproofing mortars for hydrostatic insulation of adjoining surfaces and drinking water containers.
Epasit GmbH helps solve problems with indoors climate, and the fire-proof epatherm plate insulation system for indoors heat insulation.
Sandstone redeveloping system (pdf, 0.6 MB)